Headline News By Edited by Yves Langlois 865 Views

Ottawa Food and Book Expo launches Community Legal Fund against Slander and Fake "Progressives"

The Ottawa International Food and Book Expo has sought to become a beautiful celebration of both the Canadian and human spirit, a celebration of people, food, and literature of all diversities. 

This year’s event was supposed to bring together writers from across the political spectrum to foster a spirit of dialogue. Yet, contrary to this value of togetherness, certain well-funded media organizations appear more invested in exploiting division and enmity to perpetrate a self-serving agenda.

PressProgress.ca et al. targeted the Expo organizer in a smear campaign of slander and libel that has undermined the integrity of the event as a community celebration.  

It is notable that the management operatives of PressProgess.ca have ties to the WHO and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.  These organizations have been linked to an agenda of censorship.

The Expo sought to bring together writers, artisans, food vendors, and visitors of diverse backgrounds representing a multiplicity of religions, nationalities, political affiliations, and gender orientations. 

This public attack on the character of the event focussed on the presence of four well established writers whom the article’s author regards as "conservative"; PressProgress et al. chose to attack the event organizers as providing a "platform" for far right "extremists." They published a "community alert" warning people to "stay out of the area" as if there was some danger to the community. Of course, no such danger emerged, and recordings from the event show just the opposite, that the Expo served its mandate as a community-building celebration.  

The Expo was also targeted by someone who at first presented themselves to be a volunteer, but then demanded to be paid – first $2000 and then $5000. These demands escalated to blackmail as the party insisted that the Expo either pay them or else the public would be subjected to such lies as the "event is cancelled." This threat, among others, seemed designed to sabotage the hard work of the exhibitors participating in the event in hopes of a large turnout. 

With your support, this extortioner will be subjected to legal action that seeks to redress damages caused by their agenda.

Let's hold PressProgress.ca and their operatives accountable and restore the event as a model for bringing together diverse of communities in a welcoming urban space. 

Reactionaries with a nefarious agenda have caused the Ottawa Food and Book Expo to go into debt as a result of the efforts of PressProgress.ca to destroy the ability of the Ottawa Food and Book Expo to raise money from the event to pay expenses.

Your financial contribution will help us expedite a legal claim against PressProgress et al. for their slander, libel, defamation and the ensuing damages they have perpetrated. Together, let’s help to restore the good name of our event, which has been undermined by the wickedness of fake progressive elements.

Can we count on your support?

Please donate here - https://fundrazr.com/d2OL22?ref=ab_6CV7O6


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