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Energize with caution: New labels on caffeinated energy drinks

Posted on 08 July 2024

(NC) How do you power through your late-night work or study sessions? Do you rely on caffeinated energy drinks, coffee or chocolate? These foods all contain caffeine, which you may want to limit. Health Canada recommends a daily intake of no more than 400 mg of caffeine for adults over 18. For reference, energy drinks can contain up to 180 mg of caffeine per can.Supplemented foods, such as caffein ...

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Here’s What Leading Retirement Communities Offer Residents

Posted on 10 November 2023

After years of hard work at a job or raising kids, people deserve to spend their golden years peacefully. They have more time than ever to indulge their passions. Many choose to live in retirement communities that handle mundane daily tasks people don’t want to do anymore, like cooking, cleaning, or maintaining the property. However, leading retirement communities go above and beyond thi ...

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Your Home Was Lost to a Fire, Now What?

Posted on 17 October 2023

Moving into a home can be a wonderful, freeing feeling. You and your family have ample space to live and make memories that will last a lifetime. Suddenly, disaster in the form of a fire strikes and your home is destroyed. That is why you got insurance, right? Sometimes, they offer a much smaller settlement than your coverage suggests you should get, and now you have another problem on your ...

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Dealing with Toronto's Rising Cost of Living with Online Loans

Posted on 16 October 2023

As the cost of living continues its relentless ascent in Toronto, Canada's largest metropolis, citizens are increasingly employing inventive approaches to handle their financial affairs. Online loans have evolved into a vital lifeline for many, extending financial support in the face of formidable obstacles such as skyrocketing housing expenses, heightened utility bills, and the persistent ...

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6 red flags to watch for when buying a new dog

Posted on 01 May 2023

(NC) Bringing a new dog into your life may be one of the most exciting things you can do for yourself and your family. Dogs bring so much joy and comfort to many people of all ages. However, not every individual or organization who is selling dogs or has them for adoption is reputable. Make sure you ask questions and take proper precautions when deciding on who and where to get your new pet from. ...

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How to spot sketchy debt advice

Posted on 01 May 2023

(NC) Between the high cost of living and inflation, many of us are struggling with debt. But with financial advice available everywhere - from your uncle’s friend to social media influencers, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed and hard to know whose advice you can trust. Learning some key warning signs and red flags can help you manage your debt and avoid falling for a scam. Here are some to ke ...

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4 ways to kickstart a career in sales

Posted on 01 May 2023

(NC) Getting your foot in the door at a company as a salesperson can open up a world of opportunities. Here a few things to know that will help you excel, no matter what it is you’re selling. Knowledge is power
Whatever you’re selling, from food at the latest trendy eatery to cellphones or building materials, the more you know about products you’re hawking the easier it ...

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How to navigate food rules for any business

Posted on 01 May 2023

(NC) When running a business, rules, regulations and red tape seem to come with the territory. While navigating that can be a challenge, these requirements play an important part in ensuring the Canadian marketplace is safe, consistent and fair to everyone. For food businesses, following these rules helps keep our food system safe. Depending on your product(s), where you are selling them and ...

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Tips to remember next time you move with your pets

Posted on 01 May 2023

(NC) Moving doesn’t have to be daunting, as long as you plan ahead effectively. But of course, unexpected hurdles can occur along the way, adding to the stress. It can also be especially challenging if you have a pet. Before you start packing up your belongings, there are some important things to remember to make the transition as smooth as possible for both you and your furry friend. Research ...

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4 ways to help fund your retirement

Posted on 01 May 2023

(NC) If you’re almost ready to retire, congratulations! You’ll be entering an exciting phase of life with the freedom to choose how you use your time. There are several ways to help supplement your income and contribute to a savings plan, while enjoying the retirement you’ve always dreamed of. Rent or swap your home
For many of us, travelling is a key retirement bucket l ...