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3 tips for saving on clothes for the kids

(NC) Between growth spurts, spills and seasonal trends, buying clothing for your children can really add up. While it’s tempting to splurge on some adorable outfits, there are smarter ways to shop and cut back on expenses. Here are some creative tips to help keep your kids looking stylish on a budget.

1. Playtime outfits

Having a wardrobe that young kids can get dirty in is a necessity. That’s why it’s important keep a collection of playtime clothes that are affordable and easy to replace. Consider shopping at your local discount retailer to find low-cost fashion items that allow kids to let loose and have fun.

2. Back to basics

If you have multiple children, your clothing costs multiply. Try buying a variety of basics that can be shared between kids or passed down. Invest in a few items that are unique and beloved to each child, but emphasize buying affordable basics that are more versatile. You can allow your kids to have their own identity without breaking the bank on the essentials.

3. Stock up on transitional pieces

Transitional pieces allow you to stock your child’s wardrobe with items that can be worn even when the seasons shift. Clothing as simple as a zip-up sweatshirt or vest are staples that can be layered and worn throughout the year. You can also save by joining loyalty programs like Giant Tiger VIP and keeping an eye out for transitional items among the exclusive deals and contests.


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